Changes are coming to my RSS feed
I want to take a moment and personally thank my RSS subscribers for their vote of confidence in me and this site.
It totally makes my day to see how many new knitters have chosen to click on the big orange button at the top of this page so they can be notified in an RSS reader of their choice or via email that a new post is waiting.
Besides writing this blog, I also enjoy reading other sites. I know first hand how strongly people feel about full vs partial feeds. In the past, I’ve published a full feed. For a variety of reasons, that is no longer working for me.
I wish we lived in a world where the hours it takes me to publish a single photo tutorial could be protected from unscrupulous web sites scraping my content and republishing it for advertising hits.
We don’t.
To make matters worse, most RSS readers screw up my carefully placed photos and captions. Words end up next to pictures that don’t apply, totally destroying the flow of the tutorials.
Because of this, my feeds going forward will be partial rather than full. For the next week or so, a one or two sentence blurb will describe each post’s content. This is not acceptable to me for the long term. Rest assured I’m busy behind the scenes trying out new WordPress plugins to give you more preview content. It’s important to me that you can quickly scan a post and judge if it’s worth your time.
It’s my hope my content offers you sufficient value that you will continue to subscribe and click through to read the full post.
I truly love it when you visit.
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July 31, 2008
I think you are making a smart move. I can’t always read every post but a quick blurb lets me know if its content I want to click and read.
I had to do that on my blog right after I started it and it has worked out well. No more content stealing! I don’t use feed readers much myself anyway.