The Yarn Game
In an attempt to limit my yarn splurges, I keep a tally each year of how much yarn I buy. I turn it into a game to see how far I can stretch a $100 without going over budget.
Remember, given the number of garage sales and thrift stores I visit, $100 goes a long ways.
For me it isn’t so much an issue of money. It’s a fear of volume.
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October 26, 2006 No Comments - Be the First!
Hat-a-thon, Beginnings, And A Simple Machine Knit Hat Pattern
Every October, my local machine knitting group holds a Hat-a-thon. We get together with food, knitting machines, and tons of yarn to knit hats for the homeless. Between those who show up and others who work at home, the pile can quickly grow to over a hundred.
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October 23, 2006 50 Comments
A Sock Knitter Magic Loop Plea
Dear Addi Turbo and Knit Picks,
You both make wonderful, long circular needles with coils ever so pliable. If you can make a 2.00mm and a 2.5mm and a 3.00mm, why can’t you make a 2.25 mm and 2.75mm?
I realize there might be some confusion in the naming scheme of things. Trust me, I’d adjust. Call it a size 0++. It doesn’t matter to me.
When I’m trying to make gauge, the difference in diameter between your size 0 and 1 is 25%. Size 1 to 2 is 20%. That is a huge leap.
Going from your size 3 (3.25 mm) to a 4 (3.5 mm) is less than an 8% increase. The smaller needles beg for the same consideration.
October 19, 2006 2 Comments
How To Remove Sticky Glue Residue From Knitting Book Dust Jacket Covers
I’m in shock.
In the past 6 years I’ve been to over 1,500 garage sales, rummage sales, estate sales, community sales, and you-name-it sales.
I’m one of those people you don’t want to drive behind Saturday morning as I suddenly slow to 10 mph to read small type on street corner signs.
During these sanity escapes, I have found most of Barbara Walker’s Knitting Treasuries and Alice Starmore’s Aran Knitting and Fair Isle Knitting.
I have never found Principles of Knitting.
October 16, 2006 No Comments - Be the First!
How To Use Designaknit to Check Floats in Fair Isle Turkish Gloves
Over a year ago I had this great idea that since I’ve never hand knit a mitten, I could somehow easily hand knit my mom a Turkish style glove with multiple patterns, multiple yarn changes, and multiple fingers. These were to replace a pair of gloves she bought in Turkey in the 1970’s. Despite many repairs, the originals are in sad shape.
Needless to say, all I’ve finished is a pair of ribbed cuffs, and only one cuff is actually turned and wearable. They are beautiful and will fit – just not very warm all by themselves.
October 12, 2006 1 Comment
How I Use Designaknit To Translate Modern Hand Knit Patterns To Machine Knit
October 9, 2006 2 Comments
Needle-Tek Machine Knitting Seminar II – The Stash
I want it publicly known that I didn’t buy a single skein or cone of yarn – nothing with a fiber content. I did find some wonderful Machine Knitting News magazines. It is one of my favorites for techniques.
I rarely make the garments. I collect the magazines so I’ll have a reference library for shaping tips, collar constructions, hem decorations, etc. I also picked up a pair of bulky transfer tools with 5 needles on one side and 6 on the other.
October 5, 2006 1 Comment
Needle-Tek Machine Knitting Seminar and DAK Tips
Over the weekend I escaped with friends to Portland, Oregon for Needle-Tek’s Fall Festival Machine Knitting Seminar. I had a fantastic time. I spent the entire weekend in the same chair in Tricia Shafer’s Designaknit classes.
I have had DAK quite awhile and never really used it. I was determined to come away from the weekend with enough knowledge to enter a simple sweater similar to the Adrienne Vittadini sweater I’ve admired in Vogue Knitting International (Winter 2003/04 #9 pg. 63). Its clean lines should translate well to machine knitting.
I also wanted to use the Stitch Designer module to design a pair of hand knit gloves promised to my mom ages ago. I was able to do both.
October 2, 2006 4 Comments