Knitting Machines galore since one is never enough, photo tutorials, and knits gone wild

Pacifically Passap 2007 Machine Knitting Seminar

I’m back home from Pacifically Passap and my head is still spinning from all the info I tried to cram inside.

Thank goodness The Notebook can refresh my memory.

Now I’ve been to several Machine Knitting Seminars before, just not any dedicated to the Passap. The book they produce is simply fantastic. I’m not talking about assorted handouts merely summarizing what would be taught, or class outlines, or even a paragraph or two with a few simple examples. No dear knitters, imagine a book almost half an inch thick, pages printed duplex, where every teacher provides detailed step-by-step notes for every class taught.

Every. Single. One.

I’m talking notes so thorough, many with illustrations or figures, that if you can’t decide between two courses offered at the same time, you can look at the corresponding pages, determine which one you’d be most successful learning on your own, and attend the other. Occasionally I’d go to one class while a friend went to another and we plan to swap info later on.

I love The Notebook!


Memo to self: You know that square do-hickey thing you’ve been using as an awkward yarn holder near the top of your DM 80 yarn mast? It isn’t a strange square do-hickey thing after all – it’s a pattern holder. You saw it being used correctly during Billie Hall’s sock class. If you hadn’t installed it backwards over a year ago you would have had a place to hang your notes rather than placing them on the floor by your feet. Kind of hard to read directions when the pattern is so far away.

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June 4, 2007


1 Joyce M. Fazio { 05.27.08 at 5:16 am }

It was impossible for me to attend the Pacifically Passap seminar last year. I’ve heard so many good comments about the wealth of information attentees received that I’d like to find out if it would be possible to purchase a copy of the notebook, and if so, at what price?



2 Kathryn { 05.27.08 at 6:10 am }

You need to contact Pat Groves about the notebook. I’ve updated my post above to include a link to the Pacifically Passap web site. Once there, click on the Information link at the bottom left. It will pop up an email box to Pat. The other way to contact her is to leave a message on the free YahooGroups! PassapKnits site. You have to join before you can post a message.

Hope this helps.

3 Gillian Pearson { 03.20.09 at 6:55 am }

I am a E6000 knitter in Johannesburg, South Africa. I belong to two knitting clubs – one dedicated to the E6000, the other “little club” to various machines mostly Passap and Empisal.
The E6000 club members are quite switched on to the technicalities of the machine which is very important bearing in mind that Switzerland is no longer making spares for these machines, so we value our spares as I am sure you all do. We even sometimes buy machines just for the spares. I know this sounds like we are going thru these like quicksticks – quite the reverse, but when the spares are not available you cannot knit.
The E6000 club has 6 members, and we do a charity drive once a year and knit blankets and jerseys for the elderly.
The “little club” members (12 ladies of which most of them are in their 70s) and we make garments for a cerebal palsy home for “children” up to the age of 55yrs…
We all get a kick out of making for others and in turn learn from each other in new techniques and colour combinations…
We don’t really have enough people in SA to warrant a knitting seminar and normally when we have any exhibitions, the knitting forms part of a craft fair.
I think it must be really great to attend one of the knitting seminars – I am sure your mind must blow with so much information to absorb.
I have made your racket full fisherman’s rib blanket in apricot and both my groups were over the moon with it – I will give this as a gift to a new baby!
Keep your site going and add when you can – I enjoy the light reading
Best wishes
Gill Pearson
Thank you for your site – I have made up one of your blankets

4 Annelie Dollenberg { 07.08.09 at 12:12 am }

What is the chance of this! I am a young girl in Johannesburg, south Africa and I have a passion for anything sewing, knitting or crochet. I would love to meet up with Gill Pearson to learn how to use the spectacular Passap E6000 machiine. I was given one as a gift but have got very little knowledge of how to actually use the machine. I am so scared to break it as she has explained spare parts are real hard to come by. If at all possible could Gill Pearson contact me by email at

This would be of HUGE help and I would appreciate it dearly.

Kind Regards
Annelie Dollenberg

webmaster note: edited for privacy to remove phone number

5 Jeanetta { 06.08.10 at 12:00 pm }

I am looking for a console for the E6000 knitting machine.

Can anyone help?

6 Victoria Xolo { 06.23.12 at 6:15 am }

Thanks for this info. it is very valuable to me as a pensioner.
Please inform me for further seminors.This is great.















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