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Machine Knit Racked Full Fisherman Scalloped Baby Blanket Pattern

My machine knitting group makes small blankets to support a local hospital’s stillborn program. Sadly, not every mom who delivers a baby is able to take her child home. Given the tiny size of these infants, the blankets range from 18 to 22 inches square. The mothers can keep it as a remembrance, or wrap the child in it for burial.

Passap knitting machine racked full fishermans zig zag wavy free knitted baby blanket pattern ex/ex

This blanket is my first contribution to the program. I made it on the Passap Duo 80. It is a simple racking Fisherman’s Rib pattern, great for blankets because the tucked rib provides thickness as well as the being identical on both sides. A needle pattern can be seen in the Duo 80 instruction manual on page 35.

A Japanese flat bed machine with ribber can also make this blanket. Following instructions in your manual for a tubular cast on, then set the machine for full fisherman’s rib. Rack one full turn to the left, knit a row, rack back one full turn to the right, and knit another row. The chart at the bottom will help you with the non racking transition rows.

I used a high quality acrylic from the stash. Sorry, the label went missing a long time ago. This particular yarn knits Fisherman’s Rib nicely at a tension of 4.5/4.5 My finished blanket is 20 by 22 inches.

Here’s how I did it.

Tubular Cast on 100 needles both beds
Handle down, orange strippers
Observe needle rule: left most needle on front bed, right most needle on back bed
Pushers in rest
Lock on Right
N/N Tension 2/2 knit one row to left
CX/CX Tension 3.5/3.5 knit two rows
N/N Tension 4.5/4.5 knit one row to right
Cast on complete

Lock on Right
Rack bed one full turn to left
EX/EX Tension 4.5/4.5
Row Count 000
Knit one row to the left
Rack bed one full turn to the right
Knit one row to the right

Repeat these two rows a total of 7 times (Row Counter 014)
Knit one row without racking (Row Count 015)

Repeat these 15 rows: rack one full turn to the left, knit one row, rack one full turn to right, knit one row 7 times (Row count 029). End pattern repeat with knitting one row without racking (RC 030)

Repeat these 30 rows for the desired length of your blanket. I went until row count 479, with my last row, 480, done at a looser tension (6/6) to make it easier to do a latch bind off. Also, switch lock from EX/EX to N/N for this last row to knit off all remaining tucked stitches.

I find it difficult to do a latching bind off on the machine. So after row 480, I switched to waste yarn and CX/CX and did several rounds before dropping the blanket from the machine. I then latched the live stitches and removed the waste yarn.

A couple of tips to help you remember if you racked, or racked in the correct direction before knitting the row.

1. Write down which two tick marks on the racking scale you are moving between. Don’t try to memorize. A 5th grade emergency has a way of scrambling a knitter’s brain. You will probably be moving between left 1 and 0 or 0 and right 1. This means if you find yourself ever at 2 or 1 on the opposite side, you’re in trouble.

2. Let your knitting tell you if you racked before the phone rang. When a row is finished, the yarn flows from the last needle physically closest to the lock. When you rack before knitting a row, as this pattern requires, the last needle knit from the previous row will no longer be closest to the lock. It will now be second closest. If you see this, you will know that you racked before you were interrupted.

3. Before you begin, make a chart of the rows, showing what the row counter will display before knitting the transition rows which are knit without racking. For example:

Row Set Row Counter displays these numbers before transition rows knit without racking
0-30 14 29
31-60 44 59
61-90 74 89
91-120 104 119
121-150 134 149
151-180 164 179
181-210 194 209

211-240 224 239
241-270 254 269
271-300 284 299
301-330 314 329
331-360 344 359
361-390 374 389
391-420 404 419
421-450 434 449
451-480 464 479

Row 480 increase tension to 6/6 and switch lock to N/N so all tucks are knit, making a latch bind off easier.

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April 12, 2007


1 Thomas Oatess { 04.23.08 at 3:50 am }

I really love this blanket. I crochet for charity however I just bought my first Passap and Artisan Bulky. I would love to try it on the bulky. Could you recommend a yarn for this?



2 Kathryn { 04.23.08 at 7:10 am }

I am not familiar with the Artisan. Keep in mind that this blanket must be knit on a double bed machine that can rack the beds back and forth. That means either a Passap or a flat bed machine with matching ribber.

My only concern with knitting this pattern on a bulky is that if you aren’t careful, you will have a very thick, very stiff sheet of fabric. Even on the Passap, the yarns I swatched were at the thin end – think one to two strands of 2/24. I believe the blanket above when knit in straight stockinette was tension 4-5, right in the middle of the dial.

On the bulky, try swatching with yarns that knit stockinette at the lower end of your tension range. Once you add the ribber bed, the double/racked nature of this pattern will really beef it up.

3 Thomas { 04.24.08 at 10:41 am }

Thanks for the information. I will do it on the Passap with 2/24. The bulky machine does have a ribber and the ability to rack the beds however you are correct, it is stiff fabric. Really not suitable for a charity blanket.

4 Enka { 06.10.08 at 2:06 pm }

Kathryn, I sigh when I see the beautiful things you do — when will I do something like that.
I cannot find my last comment about the guide (black label) on the back lock – I got lucky, I found it – it got caught on the upside down broom. so, disgard my previous mail.
Thank you for your site. It is most helpful.
I have one more question though, I am told that the manual for the pink passap is the same as the duo 80 the front cover shows a woman in front of a green machine. Mine says Passap Color and it has a 4 color changer on the right with 4 yarn mast/tension rods.- Do I get the paper manual or is the cd download complete.
Thank you again

5 Kathryn { 06.10.08 at 2:22 pm }


Your previous comment is safe and posted. Due to the mountains of internet spam, all comments on this blog are moderated before being displayed. I try to check at least twice a day to approve any new comments.

I’m so glad you found your label. I was just about to call my husband to take the pinkie out of storage to photograph the back lock for you. Once you have made a few basic swatches, you will be happily surprised how quickly you can make beautiful fabric with a Passap.

I’m not sure I understand your last question. The Duo 80 book will work for learning the Pinkie as long as you realize that the Pinkie does not have the HX (circular fair isle) lock setting. Whether or not the book is the original spiral bound or a cd download would depend on the seller from whom you got it. I’ve learned a lot from the green book you mentioned and I’ve frequently seen it for sale on ebay for $5-10 US.

6 Rensche de Fortier { 08.25.08 at 3:04 am }

I want to join you people for knitting, I,m from South Africa if ther is somebody who will help me.

thank you

7 Kim { 11.13.08 at 1:56 pm }

I came across your site today and enjoyed looking at your finished projects – especially this baby blanket, which brings the reason for this comment.

I have a Brother KH910 knitting machine with ribber that I haven’t used for several years – not since my children have grown. I want to get back into using it again.

The blanket you’ve made on this page is something I would like to try to tackle. If you will, could you tell me please how you made the zig zag /scalloped upper and lower edges? I think it is such a beautiful touch.

Thank you for your assistance.

8 Kathryn { 11.13.08 at 7:51 pm }

The edging is formed automatically as you knit the blanket. Nothing extra is knitted or attached to achieve the scallop edge.

9 Sandra { 11.06.11 at 5:31 pm }

I have made so many of these blankets and have given them to many a new mother. They often request second and third blankets from this pattern. Easy to make once you get into a rhythm with the racking. They come out so soft and very warm for the small babies.


10 Renee { 03.27.14 at 8:14 pm }

Lovely blanket. I have a brother machine so I was having a bit of a hard time with your directions. I have just started making blankets and hats for preemies and stillborn babies for Threads of Love. I can make a garder stitch blanket with 62/62 stitches and abt 315 rows at tension 6 and get a flat blanket of abt 18×18″. I am having a hard time finding yarn that is light enough for the standard machine without too much cost and I am not sure what Gage’s are ok.
Lovely blanket

11 Sandra S. { 10.26.14 at 6:28 pm }

Beautiful finished objects! For this blanket (I’m doing a scarf so only working with 33 stitches), do you have tips for end stitches not knitting off on reverse row? I’m averaging 8 rows or so fine, then a missed first stitch on just tucked row. I use cast on comb and Passap weights. Am using your suggested stitch size with a Cascade sock yarn which my machine likes for many projects. Your edges all look perfect!

12 Kristina { 11.28.14 at 11:15 am }

Hello Kathryn,

I would like to make this blanket, but a large size, 5 foot in length. I have a Brother bulky and the ribber.

How do I make it so that the scallop edges are in the beginning and end of the the blanket? Another word, I like to have a straight edge in length and scallop edges on both ends. I plan to use all needles.

I would also appreciate if you can email me privately.

Thank you,















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